Marketing & Promotion

Marketing & Promotion

Marketing and promotion takes many forms, but the outcome is a positive image that will rekindle community pride and increase consumer and investor confidence in your commercial district.

There are currently a number of marketing and promotion programs in place that benefit Schomberg.

Experience King

Experience King promotes King Township as a destination for tourists, who are drawn to our wide open spaces and charming villages.  The website has listings for a number of Main Street restaurants, and promotes events such as the Schomberg Agricultural Fair, the Schomberg Street Gallery and A Main Street Christmas.  Three videos , which have received over 3,300 views have been produced promoting Schomberg.

Shopping in Schomberg

A Main Street Christmas

Introducing the New Schomberg Fair Promotional Video!

Partners in Prosperity

Partners in Prosperity is the name given to the Community Improvement Plan, as this is a matching program for physical improvements to properties in the core.  In addition to the brochure, a promotional video outlining the program has been produced, along with testimonial videos from participants in the grant program.

Partners in Prosperity Video

Grackle Testimonial

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