Schomberg Main Street Revitalization Project
Economic Development
Economic development strengthens the community’s existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base.
There are a number of publications and strategies in place supporting Schomberg’s economic base.
Community Improvement Plan
The Community Improvement Plan for Schomberg is an exciting initiative to promote beautification, property improvements and economic development in the three communities. The Plan outlines financial incentives for eligible business and mixed use property owners and tenants to invest in their property and outlines other actions, projects and strategies that the Township will undertake to implement the Plan.
The vision for Main Street that is articulated in the Community Improvement Plan (2014) is:
In ten years, Schomberg will be a vibrant, authentic historical community and a renowned destination for day tourists, cyclists and residents alike. Schomberg’s Main Street has maintained its characteristic charm and historic quality, but has been revitalized and refreshed, with a mix of uses, like unique shops, restaurants, services and homes occupying well-maintained buildings that show great pride in ownership.
Schomberg Community Investment Profile
The Schomberg Community Investment Profile gives concise information to prospective businesses and resident alike about what makes Schomberg such a special place to live and work.
Guide to Starting or Expanding Your Business
The purpose of this guide is to equip you with King Township specific information about starting or expanding your business in King. You will learn about the unique characteristics of King, zoning and permitted use, and some of the programs and financial incentives that will help get your business off to a smart start. is King Township’s economic development website. Here you will find all the resources you need to have a successful business in King.
Economic Development Strategy
King Township launched its Economic Development Strategy in November 2013, anchored by 4 high level goals.
The Strategy guides sustainable economic development opportunities over the longer term and supports growth and investment in the community through the attraction of new business and the efforts of nurturing the growth of existing businesses and entrepreneurs.
The 2013 Strategy has led the introduction of tools such as the Community Improvement Plan and has assisted in growing the spectrum of business services available across the Township. Building on its success, the Economic Development department has updated the Economic Development Strategy for the years 2018-2022. You can read the draft strategy here.
Community Investment Profile
The Community Investment Profile gives detailed information to prospective businesses considering investing in King.
Three Year Tourism Plan
The 2014 3 Year Tourism Plan identified 16 action items organized around 4 broad goals. was created as an outcome of the Tourism Plan. This website lists destinations and businesses in King Township, and promotes them through Facebook and twitter. In 2017, the website had over 51,000 unique visitors and over 260,000 page views.