7 businesses met for in-depth interviews, and 21 businesses completed an on-line survey.
Because of the sensitivity to confidentiality for business, not all findings are being shared publicly. There are, however, some themes that can be shared.

Parking is the most important issue businesses want to see resolved.
- 77% cited parking availability as an issue.
- 70% disagreed that there is plenty of convenient parking.
- 80% felt that the way the municipality looks after parking needs improvement.
- 65% of businesses cited parking as the biggest disadvantage of having a business on Main Street
- When asked what single issue, if resolved, would have the greatest impact on their business, 35% identified parking

Many businesses recognize that the physical appearance of their properties could be improved.
- 50% of businesses felt their building façade does not draw customers into their business
- 75% felt exterior building appearances needed improvements on Main Street
- 50% felt businesses could pay more attention to the space in front of their business

Based on the 21 businesses surveyed, a fairly accurate profile can be made of the type of business owner that is a good fit for Main Street.
- Small, owner-run business
- Less than 4 employees
- Lives within 15 minute drive of Schomberg
- Is the type of business that would benefit from the increased traffic from events
- Primary clientele would be adults
- Values heritage feel, small town, walkability